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L-Biome & L-Pill (Salute Intestinale & Antiossidante Antiage)


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€79,00 12800


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Ricco di Pre e Probiotici
Aiuta a digerire meglio
Stimola la flora batterica intestinale
Promuove un invechiamento sano
Aumenta la protezione cellulare
Rafforza il sistema immunitario
La salute dell'intestino è essenziale per una vita sana. L-Biome sostiene il vostro percorso star
star L-Pill è l'unico integratore che prenderei. - Dr. Valter Longo star


L'innovazione incontra la natura.


Come e quando si usa

Esperti di nutrizione clinica

Coaching Gratuito


Bifidumbacterium breve B-3:

  • Minami, J.I., Kondo, S., Yanagisawa, N., et al., 2015. Oral administration of Bifidobacterium breve B-3 modifies metabolic functions in adults with obese tendencies in a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Nutritional Science, 4.
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 Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001:

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Inulina :

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  • Nicolucci A.C. Prebiotics reduce body fat and alter intestinal microbiota in children who are overweight or with obesity. Gastroenterology. 2017;153(3):711–722

Algal Oil DHA

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Wasabi Japonica

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    • Inhibitory effects of Japanese horseradish (Wasabia japonica) on the formation and genotoxicity of a potent carcinogen, acrylamide_J Sci Food Agric_2017
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Flavonoidi e polifenoli da estratto di zucchero di canna

  • Antithrombotic activity of ftavonoids and polyphenols rich plant speciesMIRZA BOJIĆ ; University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
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Catechine e caffeina da Estratto di the verde

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